Timberline TASC Force

Want to learn new skills, be part of a great community, and make a difference? Join the Timberline TASC Force – “Training and Service Crew”

What Is It?

Timberline TASC Force ’24 is a new pilot program for 14-16-year-olds who want to learn and grow by serving at Timberline Ranch. This is an opportunity for young people who are not yet old enough to lead campers to help out in various areas while enjoying the camp setting and receiving leadership training and solid Christian teaching.

Top Ten Reasons to Apply for the TASC Force

  1. You will experience purpose and belonging.
  2. You will have fun and enjoy outdoor recreation.
  3. You will become a better leader.
  4. You will make new – possibly lifelong – friends.
  5. You will learn many new skills and become more responsible.
  6. You will make a difference and help campers have the time of their lives.
  7. You will explore questions about faith and grow in your relationship with Jesus.
  8. You will have something positive to put on your résumé.
  9. You will eat great food – buffet style!
  10. Camp is amazing!

Summer staff members

The Details

This is the first year we are running this new program, and it will be a two-week program: July 29 to August 9, 2024. Participants will attend Monday to Friday both weeks and go home for the weekend in between.

  • Born between January 1, 2008 and December 31, 2009 (i.e., completing grade 9 or 10)
  • Attending a Christian church, Christian youth group, or Christian school
  • Responsible, kind-hearted, and hard-working
  • Desiring to work hard, learn, and grow
Cost: $399 + GST, which includes:
  • All meals
  • Accommodations
  • All materials
  • Daily treats from the Tuck Shop
  • 50% off the LIT (Leaders in Training) program in March, 2025*

* LIT is for students in grades 10-12, and once completed, it allows them to fully volunteer in the camp program in the following summers. Once LITs have graduated from high school, they are also eligible to apply for paid summer positions on the SWAT Team (Summer Workers at Timberline).

Daily Schedule
  • Mornings
    • Staff Devotions (with full summer staff team)
    • Breakfast
    • Morning Show (with campers – includes games, songs, skits, and a speaker)
    • 2 work blocks (barn, kitchen, or maintenance)
  • Afternoons
    • Lunch
    • Team Building (TASC Force only)
    • 2 work blocks (barn, kitchen, or maintenance)
    • Tuck (free snack from Tuck Shop)
    • Leadership Training
  • Evenings
    • Supper
    • Evening Game Prep
    • Assist with Evening Game
    • Snack
    • Campfire
    • Debriefing
    • Bedtime

Staff member with wheelbarrow

Campers on a trail ride


To apply, please follow this link, make an account, and apply for the TASC Force. Upon acceptance, we will send you a link for the rest of the information we will need.

For more information, please contact Dobson Reid at dobby@timberlineranch.com.

We hope to see you here!

Staff members at top of zipline