Summer Camps 2023
What could be better than summertime at Timberline Ranch?! After a good night’s sleep in our deluxe Poolside, Western Town, and Horseman Inn cabins, kids enjoy a hearty buffet breakfast, followed by a day filled with incomparable activities that they simply don’t get to participate in anywhere else. They’ll be challenged to learn and try new things, all while making new friends and experiencing the splendour of the outdoors. And when the day fades away, they’ll be in supportive community around the campfire, reflecting on the day, and enjoying the skits, songs, and inspiration. Day campers enjoy a separate and somewhat abbreviated schedule.
New Day Camp Option During Overnight Camps
This year, for the first time, campers of the same age will have the option to stay overnight or just for the day. A day camp option will be available at every single camp this summer – for the same age that is staying overnight.
We recognize that not all kids (or parents!) are comfortable staying overnight, so we are providing this option at all overnight camps. Day campers will arrive before breakfast and stay until after campfire, and they will also be put into a cabin group and an activity group. So they will experience the whole camp experience, only missing out on the overnight component.
A Typical Day at Summer Camp
Ever wonder what your child does all day at summer camp? The schedule below lists the typical times and activities that happen each day. Please note that times are based on a Junior Camp schedule. Middle and Teen camps will differ slightly in the evening.
Daily Schedule
8:00 | Wake up and cabin clean-up / Day campers’ arrival |
8:30 | Breakfast |
9:10 | Morning Show1 |
10:15 | Activity #1 |
11:20 | Activity #2 |
12:30 | Lunch |
1:10 | Siesta2 |
1:40 | Activity #3 |
2:45 | Activity #4 |
3:45 | Tuck3 |
4:20 | CYOA (“Choose Your Own Adventure” activity options) |
5:30 | Supper |
6:15 | Cabin Chill Time |
6:45 | Evening Game |
7:45 | Snack |
8:00 | Campfire1 |
9:00 | Cabin time1 / Day campers’ pick-up |
10:00 | Lights out |
Explanation of Activities
1These activities generally include some Christian content, including Christian songs and/or basic teaching from the Bible at the campers’ level. Campers are required to be present, and they are welcome to participate as much or as little as they are comfortable. About 80% of campers are not regular attenders of a Christian church.
2Siesta is a half-hour rest time in the middle of the day, which allows campers to get out of the sun and relax for a short time in their cabin with their cabin leader.
3The Tuck Shop is open each afternoon for campers to get a treat such as a chocolate bar, pop, or freezie. Tuck is included in their camp fees. Please do not send money with your camper as it is not allowed at summer camp and will not be accepted in the Tuck Shop.
Refer to the Program Options page for explanations of other activities.